Denise Remund
Founder and Managing Director of Remund Communications
Denise Remund

Founder and Managing Director of Remund Communications

Consulting on internal communication projects to customers (e.g. Georg Fischer, Flughafen Zürich, Hamilton) across multiple industries, focusing on strategy, employee engagement, and digital transformation.
Leading Intranet and Digital Workplace projects to enhance digital collaboration and streamline information flow within organizations.
Developing a network for internal communication responsibles to facilitate knowledge exchange.

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Programma +
Workshop, keynote, case study, networking.

Grazie ai nostri sponsor

Gli sponsor di IID sono scelti sulla base della reale focalizzazione sul tema delle intranet e della comunicazione interna. Sono realtà del settore che possono davvero essere molto utili alle aziende e che portano all'iniziativa contenuti di valore per la community.

Main sponsor
Intranet 80.20
HRC Community
Community Partner
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